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Code of Commitment

All members of the Misinformation Combat Alliance, as well as those seeking membership commit to the following:

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Upholding and adhering to the MCA’s Governing Charter in both letter and spirit.

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Designating an official from their respective organization to liaise with the MCA for regular activities and operations.

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Collaborating with fellow members to enhance the information ecosystem.

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Engaging in working groups, meetings, and other forums established by the MCA to the best of their abilities.

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Attending meetings as circumstances permit.

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Voting on all pertinent decisions and matters.

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Maintaining confidentiality on matters shared in confidence with all members.

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Consenting to the display of their organization's logo/wordmark on the MCA website, social media platforms, and other promotional materials.

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Refraining from any actions that could discredit the mission, vision, objectives, or collaborative spirit of the MCA.

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Entering into a Memorandum of Understanding to join the MCA.

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